Flower girl

 For  this  card  I used      a digi  from  All  Dressed up  and  coloured it  with  Promarkers  .I layered  it  onto  a  die  cut  circular base  card  and  edged  it with  a  die  cut  border  . To  complete  I  added  glitter  ,glossy  accents  and  flower  confetti  .

I  would like  to  enter this  card into  the  following  challenges -------




  1. Oh Jeni - this is really cute. Great colouring and use of colours. Thank you for joining us at Cardz 4 Galz xx Lynda/Loopyloo

  2. An adorable image and beautifully coloured. Love the circle card. Thanks for joining us at cardz4galz, Johanna DT.
