Baby boy's first birthdsy

 The image on  this  card is  one  from  LOTV  which  I  coloured  with  Promarkers . I used  a  baby  embossing  folder  for  the  background  before   die cutting a circle  in  the  front of  the  card . Iadded  three  punched  chicks  and  some  computer  generated  stickers  to  complete  .

I  would like  to  enter  this  card into  the   following  challenge -----


  1. This is so sweet! Adorable image and wonderful background. Gorgeous colouring! Thanks for sharing this with us at Passion for Markers!

  2. What a super cute card Jenny. The LOTV image is so sweet and your colouring is perfect. I love the embossed background too. Thanks for sharing with us at Passion for Markers this week. Hugs, Denise x

  3. Such a cute first birthday card Jenny card and lovely colouring

    Thanks so much for joining us on the Passion for markers challenge…. 💗

    Love and crafty hugs from

    Wendy (DT)
