garden girl

 I used  a  digi from All  dressed up  for  this  card . I  fussy  cut it  and   coloured it  with  alcohol  pens 

adding  glitter  . The  background is  a paper  from my  stash  and  I layer  the  design  onto  a  die  cut  from  Craft  Buddy  . To  complete  I  added   flower stickers and a die cut

I  would like  to  enter  this  card into  the  following  challenge  -------


  1. How cute and colorful! Thanks for sharing your project with us at All Dressed Up Stamps. Pam S DT

  2. Such a cute card and nice fussy cutting too! Love the fancy die you used to complete your card. Thanks for joining us on the All Dressed Up Challenge. Pam D, Design Team

  3. Sweet card and such pretty colours. Thank you for joining our challenge at All Dressed Up Stamps and I hope you'll be back again soon. Marilyn
