Summer shaker fun

 I used  a seaside  background  as  a  basis  for  this  card  . Affter  I had  added the  bottle  which is  a digi stamp . Sory  I  can't  remember  where  I got it  from  as  it has been on  my  PC  for  ages  !!!!I  added  the curved  disc  to  the  front   and glossy accents giving  the shine of  the  bottle  . I  added shells  confetti  and  glitter  into  the  shaker  and  completed  the  card using  shell  srickers  

I  would like  to  enter  this  card into  the  following  challenge s------- 


  1. Lovely seaside shaker card scene, Jeni. Thank you for sharing your card in the Allsorts Challenge this week. Don’t forget to add the make/brand of the digi stamp to be eligible for the prize and Top 5 spots.
    Liz xx

  2. What a wonderful shaker card with a seaside theme. Thanks for sharing with us at Allsorts.

  3. A lovely beachy card. Perfect for us at Allsorts. Sarah

  4. This is absolutely perfect for the theme! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at My Time to Craft

  5. Rather belatedly, but wanted to thank you for sharing your lovely card with us at Allsorts challenge.

    B x
